By Ben Cutbank, Coordinator of Deep Green Resistance Wisconsin
The last few months have seen Deep Green Resistance Wisconsin engaging in much planning, organizing, and participating in important events.
In late March, members of DGR Wisconsin participating in the broader movement’s international members’ conference, which we helped to host in the southeastern part of Wisconsin. Roughly 30 comrades from around the world came to participate in discussions, exercises, and time for strengthening our bonds. Discussed were such important topics as leadership, community, public speaking, current organizing within the movement and visioning for the future.
One member of our group, Val, had the chance to put the public speaking training in action by speaking about aboveground environmental direct action at an event called “Occupy Spring and Beyond” Teach-in, held in Madison, WI. A video of that speech can be viewed here.
Already feeling inspired from time spent with comrades at the conference, we were extremely honored to host writer and DGR Advisory Board member Derrick Jensen in Madison, WI for a speech on civilization and resistance. A video clip of Derrick reading his piece about the ‘man box’ can be viewed here. After his speech, a member of DGR Wisconsin took the stage to give a brief but concise introduction to the Deep Green Resistance movement. It was clear that others who attended this event were also inspired, as we have been contacted by a number of people about getting involved.
In early May, DGR Wisconsin sponsored a “revolutionary music show,” featuring the activist-musician, Dustin and the Furniture, among others. In between the brilliant and political songs, I had the opportunity to recite a piece I recently wrote called “The Story of a River,” which was well received by the audience.
Thousands of protesters gathered in Chicago, IL on May 20th, to demonstrate against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, as it held a meeting to further plot exploitation of human communities and plundering of landbases the world over. Many inspiring revolutionaries and activist groups participated, including an environmental contingent that members of Deep Green Resistance Wisconsin plugged into, and that united on the basic understanding that the planet must take priority over the profits of the rich. Many thanks to members of the Chicago DGR Action Group, who hosted and worked with us. The photos included here were taken at the demonstration.
Currently, the main project of DGR Wisconsin, and several other organizers within the movement, is planning for an upcoming action in solidarity with the Lakota people of the Pine Ridge
Reservation against the exploitation of Native Americans by liquor-sellers. The campaign specific to this action is a battle for the town of White Clay, Nebraska, which has 4 liquors stores situated on the outskirts of Pine Ridge, despite it’s human population of under 20. Upon being invited to join the struggle, members of DGR Wisconsin are trying to raise support for the action in the forms of people and funds. As part of this, we are hosting a film screening of “The Battle for Whiteclay” in Milwaukee, WI, coming up in early June.
As always, the resistance needs you, and our group has recently expanded it’s options for getting involved, so please consider joining us in our fight for the future.